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Maps of BBC

This is a collection of maps of BBC.  Some of them are topographical maps, others are maps that were generated by the camp.  They are organized by date, from oldest to most recent.


1888 - This is the camp on

a 30-minute topographical

map from 1888.






























1897 - This is the camp on

a 15-minute topographical

map from 1897.












1907 - This is the camp on

a 15-minute topographical

map from 1907.












1946 - This is the camp on a 7.5-minute

topographical map from 1946.














1951 - This map of the

camp appeared in a

program for the

second farewell












1958 - This is a

topographical map of

the camp as it appeared

in 1958.



















1961 - This map of the

camp appeared in a

program for visitors






























1963 - This map of the

camp appeared in a

program for visitors























1973 - This is a

topographical map

of the camp as it

appeared just after

it closed.


The camp buildings are

those to the left of the

"o" in Watson Pond.












This is my take on which dot refers to which cabin in the above topographical map.

Some are obviously missing.  And they are obviously not accurately situated.
























2004 - This is the camp

on a 7.5-minute 2004

topographical map.


The large black rectangle

south of the western tip

of Pioneer Island is the 

"new' dining hall.  The

rest of the structures are

essentially gone!





















Camp Topo 1973.jpg
Toporaphical Map 1958.jpg
1973 Cabin Layout.jpg
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