Boys Camp
These are picture from various gatherings since the closing of the camp.
If you have some that are not represented here, please send them to Aaron Clevenson (webmaster) for inclusion.
July 5, 2019
Some pictures from the summer of 2019 from Geoff Shanklin:
October 10, 2010
A wee bit grayer and hopefully wiser, we once again gather by the waterside
Pictures brought to us by Ron Mayer and Steve Babbit.
Thanks Ron and Steve.
The entrance to the past
The Trolly Bed
Remnants of the Green Biffy
The Junior Leader
Quarters (JLQ). One of the earliest Cabins.
Steve Babbit (left) and Ron Mayer (right) in front of the "new" Dining Hall.
Watson Pond (left and center) from the beach.
Chilling on the Beach: Jake Goss
Eric Lesselbaum, Art Fitzgerld, and Steve Babbit
John Lordon and Rob Lennick
Jake, Ron, Art, and Eric
October 12, 2009
The gatherings continue for the hardy few who can make it.
Pictures brought to us again by Ron Mayer. Thanks Ron.
Eric Lesselbaum and Earl Yunes
Johnny Lordon
Steve Babbit
Rob Lennick, Eric, Ron Mayer, Johnny, and Steve
Earl, Rob, Eric, Johnny, and Steve
Art Fitzgerald, Eric, Rob, Earl, Johnny, and Steve
Rob, Steve, Johnny, Eric, and Earl inside Ida's Store
Eric and Earl
Earl and Eric
Eric, Earl and Art
Johnny and Steve - What was that?
Craig Tighe (friend on the pond), just in the neighborhood.
Rob, Johnny, Steve, Art, Ron, Eric, and Earl
October 7, 2007
The gatherings continue for the hardy few who can make it.
Pictured brought to us again by Ron Mayer. Thanks Ron.
Meet me in East Otis at Hall's! Rob Lennick, Art Fitzgerald, Ron Mayer, Eric Lesselbaum, Johnny Lordon, and Steve Babbit
Canoeing on Watson Pond
Rob (bow), Johnny (stern) Eric (bow), Art (stern)
Steve, Rob, Johnny, and Art
Johnny Serenity - Watson (Creek) Pond.
The catch!
I don't remember having one of these at camp. Do you? How come we didn't have one of these?
October 10-11, 2004
The 2004 Reunion was an opportunity for those who could not make it to the 2003 Reunion to experience the same sense of closure that those of us who attended the 2003 Reunion were able to experience. It also provided a forum for us to get together and discuss serious issues of the past and the future.
Thanks to all who shared their experiences with the group, and thanks to those who stepped up to the plate, and contributed financially to the processes to plot and plan the future.
We now have a clearer understanding of where we have been and where we want to go.
(left to right) Eric Lesselbaum, Maswell Wiggins, Ron Mayer, Rob Lennick, Bruno Durand, Irwin Wiggins, Aaron Clevenson, Lary Isaacs, Art Fitzgerald, Keith Dennehy, Steve Babbit, Case Martin, Johnny Lordon, Warren Queeney. Missing: Gene Plasse and Tony Balski
Tony Balski, Keith Dennehy, Case Martin, and Warren Queeney
These were the folks who weren't able to join us in 2003. We're glad they were able to be with us in 2004. It was great to see them again.
October 12-13, 2003
The 2003 Reunion was the first effort at getting many alumni from Berkshire Boys Camp together. It was a major effort, and many folks came. Many of these folks had not seen each other, or even communicated with each other for 30 years. Some of us had never met.
Some came to see old friends. Some came to remember times from the past. Some came with hopes and dreams for possible futures. Some came because they were curious. But most importantly, I think many of us came to bring closure to one chapter of the book of our lives.
When the camp ceased operations in 1972/1973, none of us had the opportunity to experience and understand the end of this era. None of us had the opportunity to say goodbye to our friends and to the institution that was BBC.
Almost everybody that dropped by for the reunion made it to the group portrait.
From left to right: Paul Bailey, Barry Tressler, Art Fitzgerald, Bob Baritz, Robert Harrison, Ron Mayer, Barry Barbash, Steve Barbash, Steve Finer, Sherman Wallen, Sepp Bergschneider, Smokey Rulon, Bill Finer, Johnny Lordon, Evan Elgin, Barry Adams, Mark Harrison, Al Sewicki, Steve Barbash, Pancho Bergschneider, Larry Isaacs, Irwin Wiggins, Maxwell Wiggins, Kip Keith, Eric Lesselbaum, Leo Lias, Charlie Rulon, Bruno Durand, Rob Lennick, Neil Harrison, Aaron Clevenson and Lincoln Russell
What would BBC be without a rousing rendition of
In A Cabin In The Woods
(Names withheld to protect the innocent...)
... and who better to lead us all than Bruno Durand.
The waterfront. In silhouette: Leo Liias.
Posing for another shot, many of us paused briefly on our walk about the camp.
From left to right: Gene Plasse, Paul Bailey, Robert Lennick, Johnny Lordon,
Eric Lesselbaum, Al Sewicki, Larry Isaacs, Steve Babbitt, Irwin Wiggins, Ron Mayer,
Robert Harrison, Art Fitszgerald, Maxwell Wiggins, Barry Adams, and Bruno Durand
One of the few vestiges of the camp, Ranger Rock lives on!
From left to right: Larry Isaacs, Steve Babbitt (behind tree), Bruno Durand,
Johnny Lordon, Maxwell Wiggins, Robert Lennick (behind Maxwell), Eric Lesselbaum, Lincoln Russell, and Paul Bailey