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Songs of BBC

Montain Dew

Singing was always a big part of BBC life. We would sing at meals, sing at awards, and sing at evening programs. Some of the songs were common "camp" songs that the boy scouts and girl scouts would be familiar with, but some of the songs were unique to BBC.

Many of the BBC specific songs were written by members of the Berkshire Players, the camp's dramatics troupe.


Songs that are either original to BBC or adapted to BBC are highlighted on the list.

If you know the words to any of the songs that are included here, or know of any songs that should be added, please send them to Aaron Clevenson (webmaster).


The Index (those in parentheses are ones for which we do not have the lyrics)You can click on the link to go directly to the lyrics.



























     Alouette, gentille Alouette
     Alouette je te plumerai
     Alouette, gentille Alouette
     Alouette je te plumerai
     Je te plumerai la tête
     Je te plumerai la tête
     Et la tête, et la tête
     Alouette, Alouette
     Alouette, gentille Alouette
     Alouette je te plumerai

     Alouette, gentille Alouette
     Alouette je te plumerai
     Alouette, gentille Alouette
     Alouette je te plumerai
     Je te plumerai le nez
     Je te plumerai le nez
     Et le nez, et le nez
     Alouette, Alouette
     Alouette, gentille Alouette
     Alouette je te plumerai

     (Note: The rest of the verses substitute these lines.)

     Je te plumerai les yeux

     Je te plumerai le cou

     Je te plumerai les ailes

     Je te plumerai le dos

     Je te plumerai les pattes

     Je te plumerai la queue


Ain't Gonna' Grieve My Lord No More

     (Note: This song is sung by the audience repeating each of the lines.)

     Oh the Preacher went down
     To the cellar to pray
     But he got so drunk
     That he stayed all day.
     Oh the Preacher went down to the cellar to pray
     But he got so drunk that he stayed all day.
     I ain't gonna' grieve my Lord no more.

     I ain't gonna' grieve my Lord no more.
     I ain't gonna' grieve my Lord no more.
     I ain't gonna' grieve my Lord no more.

     Oh you can't get to Heaven on a pair of skates.
     'Cause you'll skate right by those pearly gates.

     Oh you can't get to Heaven in a motor car.
     'Cause the gosh darm thing won't go that far.

     Oh you can't get to Heaven on a rocking chair.
     'Cause a rocking chair won't get you there.

     Oh you can't get to Heaven in a rocket ship.
     'Cause a rocket ship won't make the trip.

     (Oh you can't get to Heaven on a pair of skiis.
     'Cause you'll ski right by St. Peter's knees.)

     Oh you can't get to Heaven in a limousine.
     'Cause the Lord don't sell no gasolene.

     Oh you can't get to Heaven in Jimmy's.
     'Cause the gosh darm thing stops at every bar.

     Oh you can't get to Heaven with Superman.
     'Cause the Lord he is, a Batman fan.

     If you get to Heaven before I do.
     Please drill a hole and pull me through.

     That's all there is. There ain't no more.
     St. Peter said as he closed the door.


BBC Will Shine Tonight (a BBC song)

     BBC will shine tonight
     BBC will shine
     BBC will shine tonight
     All down the line
     We're all dressed up tonight
     Don't we look fine?
     When the sun goes down
     And the moon comes up
     BBC will Shine!


BBC Welcome Song (a BBC song)

     (Note: This song is to the tune of the Ohio
     State University Football Fight Song.)

     We welcome you to BBC
     We're mighty glad you're here
     We'll set the Earth reverberating
     With a mighty cheer
     We'll sing you in
     We'll sing you out
     For you, we'll heave a mighty shout
     Hail, Hail, the gang's all here and
     You're welcome to BBC


We Come From Berkshire Boys' Camp (a BBC song)

     We come from Berkshire Boys' Camp
     Way up in the wo-o-ods
     We like mountain music
     We like to play music

     A vio, vio, vio-lin, a vio, vio, vio-lin
     A vio, vio, vio-lin, a vio, vio-lin.

verse 2: guitar, guitar, guitar-lin
verse 3: piano, piano, piano-lin
verse 4: rat-tat-tat-tat-tat-o-lin (drum)
verse 5: oompa, oompa, oompa-lin (tuba)



     There was a man who had a dog.
     And Bingo was his name-o.
     B I N G O, B I N G O, B I N G O,
     And Bingo was his name-o.

     There was a man who had a dog.
     And Bingo was his name-o.
     B I N G (clap), B I N G (clap), B I N G (clap),
     And Bingo was his name-o.

     (Note: This process continues by adding a clap for a letter
     until the last verse where all the letters have been replaced
     by claps.)



     There was a jolly Dutchman
     His name was Dundabeck
     He made the finest sausages
     And sauerkraut and speck
     He made the finest sausages
     That ever you have seen
     Until one day he invented
     A wonderful machine.


     Oh Mister Dundabeck, how could you be so mean?
     I told you you'd be sorry for inventing that machine
     Now all the neighbor's cats and dogs
     Will neer more be seen
     They've all been ground to sausages
     In Dunderbeck's machine.


     One day a boy came walking
     A-walking to the store
     He bought a pound of sausages
     And lay them on the floor
     The boy began to shistle
     He whistled up a tune
     And all the little sausages
     Went dancing 'round the room.


     One day the thing got busted
     The darm thing wouldn't go
     So Dunderbeck, he climbed inside
     To try to make it go.
     His wife she came a-waling
     A-walking in her sleep
     She gave the crank
     A heck of a yank
     And Dunderbeck was meat!



Mountain Dew

     There's an old hollow tree, down the road just from me
     Whar ya lay down a dollar or two
     Well, you go round the bend, when ya come back again
     There's a jug of that good-ole Mountain Dew.


     Well they call it that ole Mountain Dew
     And them that refuse it are few
     Well I'll shut up my mu, if you'll fill up my jug
     With some of that good Mountain Dew.

     My cousin Bill's got a still on the hill
     Whar he runs off a gallon or two
     Well, the buzzards in the sky, git so dizzy they can't fly
     From smellin' that good-ole mountain Dew.


     Now my =cousin Mort, he's sawed-off and short
     An' he stands 'bout a four foot two
     Well, he thinks he's a giant when ya give him a pint
     Of that good-ole Mountain Dew.


     Now my old Aunt June, bought a jug of perfume
     Had a sweet aromatic soeyoo
     Well she sure was surprised, when she had it analyzed
     It was nothin' but good-ole Mountain Dew.



Happy Land (a BBC song)

     (Note: This song was written about a local miniature golf place.
     The next-to-the-last line is sung in a high voice and the last line
     Is sung in a low voice. The entire song is repeated over and over
     with the main part a little higher each time.  Happy Land has a

     new name, but it still exists as a family campground.)

     Well I wish I was in Happy Land
     Where the River Brandi flows.
     Where the Little Tin Rickies grow on trees
     And the Highballs grow on the ground.
     What? The Highballs grow on the ground?
     Ya the Highballs grow on the ground


Hole in the Bottom of the Sea

     There's a hole in the bottom of the sea.
     There's a hole in the bottom of the sea.
     There's a hole. There's a hole.
     There's a hole. There's a hole.
     There's a hole in the bottom of the sea.

     There's a log in a hole in the bottom of the sea.
     There's a log in a hole in the bottom of the sea.
     There's a hole. There's a hole.
     There's a hole. There's a hole.
     There's a log in a hole in the bottom of the sea.

     (Note: Each of these additional items is att to the list.)

     There's a bump on the log...

     There's a frog on the bump...

     There's a fly on the frog...

     There's a wing on the fly...

     There's a flea on the wing...


Hail Rick's Dogs (a BBC song)

     (Note: This song was written in honor or Rick Mansfield's hot dog
     stand at Algerie Four Corners. It is traditionally sung twice through.
     It is sung to the tune of Rule Brittania!)

     Hail Rick's Dogs.
     Rick's Dogs rule the stands.
     Rick's Dogs never, never , never shall be beat!


I've Got Six Pence

     I've got six pence;
     Jolly, jolly, six pence.
     I've got six pence;
     To last me all my life.
     I've got two pence to spend,
     And two pence to lend,
     And two pence to send home to my wife.
     Poor wife.

     No-o cares have I too grie-eve me.
     No pretty little girls to de-cee-eeve me.
     I'm as happy as a lark, be-lie-eve me.
     As we go rolling, rolling home.
     Rolling home (rolling home)
     Rolling home (rolling home)
     By the light of the sil-ver-y moo-oo-oo-oon.
     Happy is the day, when the councelors get their pay.
     As we go rolling, rolling home.

     I've got four pence;
     Jolly, jolly, four pence.
     I've got four pence;
     To last me all my life.
     I've got two pence to spend,
     And two pence to lend,
     And no pence to send home to my wife.
     Poor wife.

     I've got two pence;
     Jolly, jolly, two pence.
     I've got two pence;
     To last me all my life.
     I've got two pence to spend,
     And no pence to lend,
     And no pence to send home to my wife.
     Poor wife.

     I've got no pence;
     Jolly, jolly, no pence.
     I've got no pence;
     To last me all my life.
     I've got no pence to spend,
     And no pence to lend,
     And no pence to send home to my wife.
     Poor wife.


John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt

     John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt,
     That's my name too!
     Whenever I go out,
     The people always shout:
     There goes John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt
     Da da da da da da da!

     (Note: The song is repeated with the verse being sung a little
     quieter each time until no sound is made. The Da, da, da line
     is always sung at full volume.)



Joy, Joy, Joy

     For there is joy, joy, joy, joy
     Down in my heart
     Down in my heart
     Down in my heart
     For there is joy, joy, joy, joy
     Down in my heart
     Down in my heart, today.

     For there is peace that passes understanding
     Down in my heart
     Down in my heart
     Down in my heart
     For there is peace that passes understanding
     Down in my heart
     Down in my heart, today.

     For there is love, love, love, love
     Down in my heart
     Down in my heart
     Down in my heart
     For there is love, love, love, love
     Down in my heart
     Down in my heart, today.

     For there is therefore no more condemnation
     Down in my heart
     Down in my heart
     Down in my heart
     For there is therefore no more condemnation
     Down in my heart
     Down in my heart, today.


Green Grow the Rushes Ho!

     I'll sing you one, O
     Green grow the rushes, O
     What is your one, O?
     One is one and all alone
     And evermore shall be so.

     I'll sing you two, O
     Green grow the rushes, O
     What are your two, O?
     Two, two, lily-white boys,
     Clothed all in green, O
     One is one and all alone
     And evermore shall be so.

     I'll sing you three, O
     Green grow the rushes, O
     What are your three, O?
     Three, three, the rivals,
     Two, two, lily-white boys,
     Clothed all in green, O
     One is one and all alone
     And evermore shall be so.

     Four for the gospel makers

     Five for the symbols at your door

     Six for the six proud walkers

     Seven for the seven stars in the sky

     Eight for the April rainers

     Nine for the nine bright shiners

     Ten for the Ten Commandments

     Eleven for the eleven who went to heaven

     Twelve for the twelve Apostles


The Martins and The Coys

     (Note: we know that it was really the Hatfields

     and McCoys who were gettin' after it.  But this

     is how we did it at BBC.)     


     Gather round me children, while I tell a story
     Of the mountains in the days when guns was law.
     When two families got disputin'
     It was sure to end in shootin'
     So just listen close, I'll tell you what I saw.

     Oh, the Martins and the Coys,
     They was reckless mountain boys,
     And they took up family feudin' when they'd meet.
     They would shoot each other quicker
     Than it took your eye to flicker;
     They could knock a squirrel's eye out at ninety feet.

     All their fightin' started one bright Sunday morning,
     When old Grandpa Coy was full of mountain dew;
     Just as quiet as a church-mouse
     He stole in the Martin's hen-house,
     'Cause the Coys they needed eggs for breakfast too.

     Oh, the Martins and the Coys,
     They was reckless mountain boys,
     And old Grandpa Coy has gone where angels live.
     When they found him on the mountain
     He was bleedin' like a fountain,
     For they punctured him till he looked like a sieve.

     So the Coys started right out to avenge him,
     And they didn't even take time out to mourn.
     They went out to do some killin'
     Where the Martins was distillin',
     And they found old Abel Martin makin' corn.

     Oh, the Martins and the Coys,
     They was reckless mountain boys,
     And old Abel Martin was the next to go.
     Though he saw the Coys a-comin'
     He had hardly started runnin'
     When a volley shook the hills and laid him low.

     After that they started out to fight in earnest,
     And they scarred the mountains up with shot and shell.
     There was uncles, brothers, cousins -
     Sure, they bumped 'em off by dozens;
     Just how many bit the dust it's hard to tell.

     Oh, the Martins and the Coys,
     They was reckless mountain boys;
     At the art of killin' they became quite deft.
     Though they knowed they shouldn't do it,
     Still before they hardly knew it
     On each side they only had one person left.

     Now, the one remaining Martin was a maiden,
     And as pretty as a picture was this Grace,
     While the one survivin' boy
     Was the handsome Henry Coy -
     And the folks all knew they'd soon meet face to face.

     Oh, the Martins and the Coys,
     They was reckless mountain boys,
     And their shootin' and their killin' sure played hob.
     For it didn't bring no joy
     To know that Grace and Henry Coy
     Both had sworn that they would finish up the job.

     So at last they met upon a mountain pathway,
     And Henry Coy he aimed his gun at Grace.
     He was set to pull the trigger
     When he saw her pretty figger -
     You could tell that love had kicked him in the face.

     Oh, the Martins and the Coys,
     They was reckless mountain boys,
     And they say their ghostly cussin' gives you chills,
     For the hatchet sure was buried
     When sweet Grace and Henry married
     It broke up the best dern feud in these here hills.
     Now you may think this is where the story ended,
     But I'm tellin' you them ghosts don't cuss no more,
     For since Grace and Henry wedded
     They fight worse than all the rest did,
     And they've carried on the feud just like before.


One Dark Night

     One dark night when we were all in bed.
     Old Mrs. Leary hung a lantern in her shed.
     And when the cow kicked it over,
     She winked her eye and said:
     There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight
     Fire! Fire! Fire!

     (Note: The song is repeated with the verse being sung a little
     quieter each time until no sound is made. The Fire, Fire, Fire line
     is always sung at full volume.)


Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again

     Lord he thought he'd make a man
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     He took a little water, and he took a little sand
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     I know it, know it,
     Indeed I know it Brother
     I know it, Whee!
     Dem bones gonna rise again.

     (Put him in a garden fair
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Saw him mighty lonely there
     Dem bones gonna rise again)

     (Thought he'd make a woman too
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Didn't know exactly what to do
     Dem bones gonna rise again)

     Took a rib from Adam's side
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Made Miss Eve to be his bride
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     Put them in that garden fair
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Thought they'd be most happy there
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     Apples, peaches, pears and such
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Off one tree you mustn't touch
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     Round that tree old Satan slunk
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     At Miss Eve his eye he wunk
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     My that fruit looks mighty fine
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Take a bite, the Lord won't mind
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     So she took a pick and she took a pull
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Then she filled her apron full
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     (Adam took a little slice
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Smacked his lips, and said 'twas nice!
     Dem bones gonna rise again)

     Next day the good Lord came around
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Saw them cores all o'er the ground
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     Adam, Adam, where art thou?
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Here I am Lord, coming now!
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     Adam who these cores did leave?
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Wasn't me Lord, must've been Eve
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     Adam you must leave this place
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Earn your bread by the sweat of your face
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     (He put an angle by the door
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Told them never come no more
     Dem bones gonna rise again)

     So he took a hoe and he took a plow
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     And that's why we're all workin' now
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     This is the end, there ain't no more
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Eve got the apple, Adam got the core
     Dem bones gonna rise again

     Moral of the story be
     Dem bones gonna rise again
     Don't leave your cores for the Lord to see
     Dem bones gonna rise again


John Bruno (a BBC song)

     (Note: This song is to the tune of the John
     Henry. I know there are additional verses.)
     If you know any, email me!)

     When John Bruno was a little baby,
     Sittin' on his daddy's knee.
     He picked up a whistle and he swung it around,
     And said "This is gonna be the death of me, Lord, Lord,
     This is gonna be the death of me."

     John Bruno look at the camp bus,
     And said "I am the best!"
     But when they went down to Pittsfield town,
     Guess who dun flunked his test, Lord, Lord,
     Guess who dun flunked his test.

     John Bruno look at the camp staff,
     And said "Don't you touch my tower.
     I want it guilded in 14 carat gold,
     'Cause it's a symbol of my power, Lord, Lord,
     It's a symbol of my power."


Bruno Durant (a BCC song)

     (Note: This song is to the tune of the Eleanor
     Rigby. I know there are additional verses.)
     If you know any, email me!)

     Bruno Durand,
     Walks through the field where the campers have been.
     Pop walks in.
     Look at him working,
     Picking up stones from the field "
     Where the campers - - - - - -
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"


     Aw, look at all the little pebbles.
     Aw, look at all the little pebbles.


I Love My Food (from the play Robbing Hood - a BBC song)

     (Note: This song is to the tune of Exodus)

     I love, my food.,
     I love my food.,
     I love, my juices, fruits, and cereals.
     I love my meats and wines.
     I love my drinks.
     Not to even mention vegetables and fish sticks!


Food Glorious Food (from the play Shmoliver - a BBC song)

     (Note: There are more lyrics. Help!)

     Food, Glorious Food
     Lox, creamcheese, and bagles.
     Food, Glorious Food

     Whitefish and kinadles,
     - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
     - - - - - - - - - - - - .


Robbing Hood (from the play Robbing Hood - a BBC song)

     (Note: This song is to the tune of Robin Hood.)

     Robbing Hood, Robbing Hood, riding through the fen.
     Robbing Hood, Robbing Hood, with his mob of men.
     Feared by the bad. Detested by the good.
     Robbing Hood, Robbing Hood, Robbing Hood.

     Will Blemish, Will Blemish, riding theough the fen.
     Will Blemish, Will Blemish, giant of man.
     Feared by the small. Detested by the tall.
     Blemish, Blemish, Blemish.

     Friar Chicken, Friar Chicken, cooking on the stove.
     Friar Chicken, Friar Chicken, one we all do love.
     Eating fish, eating steaks.
     Blemish, Chicken, Robbing Hood.


One Dark Night (Joltin' Jimmy - a BBC song)

     (Note: This song is to the tune of Mts. Leary.)

     One dark night, while driving to a bar.
     Ol' Joltin' Jimmy had a fire in his car.
     And when the car started burning, he winked his eye and said:.
     There'll be a hot time, in the Berkshires tonight.
     Fire! Fire! Fire!

     (Note: The song is repeated with the verse being sung a little
     quieter each time until no sound is made. The Fire, Fire, Fire line
     is always sung at full volume.)


I Vish I Ver A Pilot (from the play Around Ze Vorld Und 80 Days - a BBC song)

     (Note: This song is to the tune of I Wish I Were A Rich Man.)

     I vish I ver a pilot.
     A vida vida vida vida vida vida vida voom.
     All day long I'd Zoom around ze sky,
     If I ver a pilot.
     I'd build ze fastest plane in all of ze vorld,
     Und zoom around in ze sky.
     I'd zoom down on ze people und laugh. Ha!.
     If I ver a pilot.
     A vida vida vida vida vida vida vida voom.
     All day long and all of ze night,
     In one long lasting flight,
     It would not be wrong but right,
     If I ver a pilot.


You Are My Sunshine

     The other night dear, as I lay sleeping,
     I dreamed I held you in my arms.
     But when I awoke dear, I was mistaken.
     So I hung my head and I cried.


     You are my sunshine; my only sunshine.
     You make me happy when skies are gray.
     You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
     Please don't take my sunshine away.

     I'll always love you and make you happy,
     If you will only say the same.
     But if you leave me and love another,
     You'll regret it all some day.


     You told me once dear, you really loved me,
     And no one else could come between.
     But now you've left me and love another;
     You have shattered all of my dreams.


     In all my dreams dear, you seem to leave me.
     When I awake my poor heart pains.
     So when you come back and make me happy
     I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame.



On Top Of Old Smokey

     On top of Old Smokey, all covered with snow.
     I lost my true lover, for courtin' to slow.
     For courtin's a pleasure, and partin's a grief,

     And a false-hearted lover, is worse than a thief.
     For a thief will just rob you, and take all you save,
     But a false-hearted lover, will lead you to the grave.
     And the grave will decay you, and turn you to dust,
     Not one boy in a hundred, a poor girl can trust.
     They'll hug you can kiss you, and tell you more lies,
     Than cross ties on railroads, or stars in the skies.
     They'll tell you they love you, to give your heart ease,
     But as soon as your back's turned, they'll court whom they please.
     So come you young maidens, and listen to me;
     Never place your affections on a green willow tree.
     For the leaves they will wither, and the roots they will die,
     And your true love will leave you, and you'll never know why.



     In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for a mine,
     Dwelt a miner, fortyniner, and his daughter Clementine.

     Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling, Clementine,
     You are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry Clementine.

     Light she was and like a fairy, and her shoes were number 9.
     Hering boxes without topses, sandals were for Clementine.


     Drove she ducklings to the water, every morning just at nine.
     Caught her foot against a splinter, fell into the foaming brine.
                (Verse contributed by Kathy McCoy.)


     How I missed her. How I missed her. How I missed my Clementine
     But I kissed her little sister, and forgot my Clementine.



We're Here Because We're Here

     We're here because we're here because we're here because we're here.
     We're here because we're here because we're here because we're here.


Indian Paddle Song (Dip, Dip, and Swing)

     Our paddles keen and bright,
     Flashing like silver;
     Swift as the wild goose flight,
     Dip, dip, and swing.
     Dip, dip, and swing them back,
     Flashing like silver;
     Follow the wild goose track,
     Dip, dip and swing.


McNamara's Band

     Oh! Me name is McNamara,
     I'm the leader of the band.
     Although we're few in numbers
     We're the finest in the land.
     We play at the weddings
     And at ev'ry fancy ball,
     And when we play to funerals
     We play the march from Saul.

     Oh! The drums go bang,
     And the crystals clang,
     And the horns they blaze away;
     McCarthy pumps the old bassoon
     While I the pipes do play;
     And Hennessey Tennessee tootles the flute,
     And the music is somethin' grand;
     A credit to old Ireland is McNamara's band.

     Oh! My name is Uncle Yulius and
     From Sweden have I come,
     To play with McNamara's band
     And bear the big bass drum,
     And when I march along the street
     The ladies think I'm grand
     They shout "There's Uncle Yulius
     Playing with an Irish band"

     Oh! I wear a bunch of shamrocks
     And a uniform of green,
     And I'm the funniest looking Swede
     That you have ever seen.
     There's O'Briens and Ryans
     And Sheehans and Meehans
     They come from Ireland, but by Yimminy
     I'm the only Swede in McNamara's band.

     Oh! The drums go bang,
     And the crystals clang,
     And the horns they blaze away;
     McCarthy pumps the old bassoon
     While I the pipes do play;
     And Hennessey Tennessee tootles the flute,
     And the music is somethin' grand;
     A credit to old Ireland is McNamara's band.



There are no actual words to Taps, but these are the ones most commonly used.

     Day is done,
     gone the sun,
     From the hills,
     from the lake,
     From the skies.
     All is well,
     safely rest,
     God is nigh.

     Go to sleep,
     peaceful sleep.
     May the soldier
     or sailor,
     God keep.
     On the land
     or the deep,
     Safe in sleep.

     Love, good night,
     Must thou go,
     When the day,
     And the night
     Need thee so?
     All is well.
     Speedeth all
     To their rest.

     Fades the light; And afar
     Goeth day,
     And the stars
     Shineth bright,
     Fare thee well;
     Day has gone,
     Night is on.

     Thanks and praise,
     For our days,
     'Neath the sun,
     Neath the stars,
     'Neath the sky,
     As we go,
     This we know,
     God is nigh.


There's a Long, Long Trail Awinding

     Nights are growing very lonely,
     Days are very long;
     I'm a-growing weary only
     List'ning for your song.
     Old remembrances are thronging
     Thro' my memory.
     Till it seems the world is full of dreams
     Just to call you back to me.


     There's a long, long trail a-winding
     Into the land of my dreams,
     Where the nightingales are singing
     And a white moon beams:
     There's a long, long night of waiting
     Until my dreams all come true;
     Till the day when I'll be going down
     That long, long trail with you.

     All night long I hear you calling,
     Calling sweet and low;
     Seem to hear your footsteps falling,
     Ev'ry where I go.
     Tho' the road between us stretches
     Many a weary mile.
     I forget that you're not with me yet,
     When I think I see you smile.



The Whiffenpoof Song

     To the tables down at Mory's
     To the place where Louis dwells
     To the dear old Temple Bar we love so well Sing the Whiffenpoofs assembled
     With their glasses raised on high
     And the magic of their singing casts its spell

     Yes, the magic of their singing
     Of the songs we love so well
     "Shall I Wasting," and "Mavourneen," and the rest
     We will serenade our Louis while life and voice shall last
     Then we'll pass and be forgotten with the rest

     We're poor little lambs who have lost our way
     Baa! Baa! Baa!
     We're little black sheep who have gone astray
     Baa! Baa! Baa!

     Gentleman songsters off on a spree
     Damned from here to eternity
     God have mercy on such as we
     Baa! Baa! Baa!


Meerschaum Pipe

     There was a youth (you've heard before,
     This woeful tale, may be),
     Who bought a meerschaum pipe and swore
     That color it would he!

     He shut himself from the world away,
     Nor any soul he saw.
     He smoke by night, he smoked by day,
     As hard as he could draw.

     His dog died moaning in the wrath
     Of winds that blew aloof;
     The weeds were in the gravel path,
     The owl was on the roof.

     "He's gone afar, he'll come no more,"
     The neighbors sadly say.
     And so they batter in the door
     To take his goods away.

     Dead, pipe in mouth, the youngster lay,
     Nut-brown in face and limb.
     "That pipe's a lovely white," they say,
     "But it has colored him!"

     The moral there's small need to sing --
     'Tis plain as day to you:
     Don't play your game on any thing
     That is a gamester too.


Home on the Range

     Oh, give me a home, where the buffalo roam,
     Where the deer and the antelope play,
     Where seldom is heard a discouraging word,
     And the skies are not cloudy all day.


     Home, home on the range,
     Where the deer and the antelope play,
     Where seldom is heard a discouraging word,
     And the skies are not cloudy all day.

     Where the air is so pure, the zephyrs so free,
     The breezes so balmy and light,
     That I would not exchange my home on the range
     For all the cities so bright.


     Oh, give me a land where the bright diamond sand
     Flows leisurely down the stream;
     Where the graceful white swan goes gliding along
     Like a maid in a heavenly dream.


     The red man was pressed from this part of the West,
     He's likly no more to return
     To the banks of Red River where seldom if ever
     Their flickering campfires burn.


     How often at night when the heavens are bright
     With the light of the glittering stars,
     Have I stood here amazed and asked as I gazed
     If their glory exceeds that of ours.


     Oh, I love these wild flowers in this dear land of ours;
     The curlew I love to hear scream;
     And I love the white rocks and the antelope flocks
     That graze on the mountain-tops green.


     Then I would not exchange my home on the range,
     Where the deer and the antelope play;
     Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
     And the skies are not cloudy all day.



For Boston

     For Boston, for Boston, we sing our proud refrain.
     For Boston, for Boston, 'tis wisdom's earthly fame.
     For here are all one and our hearts are true,
     And the towers on the heights reach the heavens own blue.
     For Boston, for Boston 'til the echoes ring again!

     For Boston, for Boston, thy glory is our own.
     For Boston, for Boston, 'tis here that truth is known.
     And ever with a right shall our heirs be found,
     'Til time shall be no more and thy work is crowned.
     For Boston, for Boston, thy glory is our own!


Four Leaf Clover

     I'm looking over a four-leaf clover,
     That I overlooked before.
     One leaf is sunshine. The second is rain.
     Third is the roses that grow in the lane.
     No need explaining, the one remaining,
     Is somebody I adore.
     I'm looking over a four-leaf clover,
     That I overlooked before .


In the Evening by the Moonlight

     In the evening by the moonlight,
     You could hear the people singing.
     In the evening by the moonlight,
     You could hear those banjos ringing.
     How the old folks would enjoy it.
     They would sit all night and listen,
     As we sang in the evening by the moonlight.


Patsy Oree Ay!

     In eighteen hundred and fifty one
     American reailroad just begun
     American reailroad just begun
     Working on the Railroad.


     Working on the railroad

     In eighteen hundred and fifty two
     Looking around for something to do
     Looking around for something to do
     Working on the Railroad.

     In eighteen hundred and fifty three
     Railroad company accepted me
     Railroad company accepted me
     Working on the Railroad.

     In eighteen hundred and fifty four
     Found my back was mighty sore
     Found my back was mighty sore
     Working on the Railroad.

     In eighteen hundred and fifty five
     Found myself more dead than alive
     Found myself more dead than alive
     Working on the Railroad.

     In eighteen hundred and fifty six
     Stepped on a pile of dynomite sticks
     Stepped on a pile of dynomite sticks
     Working on the Railroad.

     In eighteen hundred and fifty seven
     Found myslef on the way to Heaven
     Found myslef on the way to Heaven
     Working on the Railroad.

     In eighteen hundred and fifty eight
     Pickin' the lock at the pearly gate
     Pickin' the lock at the pearly gate
     Working on the Railroad.

     In eighteen hundred and fifty nine
     Floating around in the clouds sublime
     Floating around in the clouds sublime
     Working on the Railroad.




In the Evening
Four Leaf Clover
For Boston
Home on the Rang
Meerschaum Pipe
There's a Long
Indian Paddle Song
We're Here
Old Smokey
My Sunshine
I Vish
Joltin Jimmy
Robbing Hood
Food Glorious
I Love my Food
Bruno Durand
JOhn Bruno
Dem Bones
One Dark Night
Martins and McCoys
Green Grow
John Jacob
Six Pence
Rick's Dogs
Happy Land
Wwe Come From
Welcome Song
BBC Will Shin
Ain't Gonna Grieve



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© 2004 - 2020 by Aaron Clevenson.  All rights Reserved. No parts of this site may be reproduced without written
permission from the owner.


Thanks for contacting us.

Last Updated:  September 13, 2020

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