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What's New!

1/24/2025 - Aaron Clevenson


The time has come for the unveiling.  The Berkshire Boys Camp Chronicles are complete.  There are two large volumes of about 500 pages each.  Volume 1 contains the general camp information as well as a section of just photographs.  Volume 2 contains copies of the BBC News newletters.  You may download them as PDF files and enjoy.  Hard Copies should be available in the Oits, MA and Lee, MA libraries.  The archives will also be sent (along with the model) to the Otis library.  The material is all copyrighted.


4/17/2021 - Aaron Clevenson


Lots of new tidbits have been added to the website, but nothing specific to brag about.  The big change is that we are now actively using our Google Group.  If you are not on it, send me an email to note (from the footer) with your email address and I will add you to the group.


I am still trying to fill in blank areas.  If you recognize you or anyone else in any of the photos, please let me know.  Specifically, I am interested in pictures of:

  • The Lumberjack Cabin

  • The Westerner Cabin

  • The Frontiersman Cabin

  • The Nubb (under any name)

  • The Pagoda (under any name)


If you think you know the dimensions of any of the buildings, I would like to know what you think.  Please send it to me.  The newer model camper cabins were 16-feet square.  The original shelter cabins were 6-foot by 12-foot.


Also, I am looking for floor plans for these buildings.  If you spent much time in them, please share this information.

  • The White Cottage

  • Nobb Hill

  • The CQ (formerly the Headquarters Cabin)

  • The Infirmary

  • The Spruce Lodge

  • The Laurel Lodge

  • The Science Lab



10/15/2020 - Aaron Clevenson


New pages of information.  I have been busy trying to get more information on the site.  I am looking forward to you ALL sending me stuff to include.  Most recently I have added these pages of information:

  • A Day in the Life at BBC (under Information)

  • Some new Maps (under Archive)

  • History of Land Ownership (under History)

  • Ghost Stories (under Archive)

  • Info Under Current Projects (under News)

  • Things as they are Today (still under construction - under Information)


9/20/2020 - Aaron Clevenson


The big thing is obviously a new web host for our website.  We have had a great run with our prior host, but all things change...


I am hopeful that any and all of you affiliated with BBC in the past will send me ( additional content for the website. I am especially interested in your memories from camp days.  We need to capture these while they are still available...


Specific needs are information about the Rangers program and the Junior Leader program.  We are also missing the requirements for most of the levels/activities.  Send me what you know...  Thanks.



We also have a new Google Group of alumni.  If you are an alumni of BBC and you are not on the list, send me an email and I will get you included.





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